Phone call via Skype / Zoiper in Scriptcase project

Call a phone number from within a Scriptcase-Form

It’s a simple solution to call a phone number in a Scriptcase project using Skype oder Zoiper (free client for IP phone) to show a link on a Form- or Grid-application. If the user clicks onto the link using his PC or smartphone, Skype (or Zoiper) will be startet and call that phone number

1. Create a new field ‘call_skype’ and set the property ‘Label Field’ to YES.

Feld call_skype in Form erstellen und als Label setzen

2a. Set the content of the field ‘call_skype’ in the load event of the form. In this samle we’re using the content of the field ‘phone number’.:

2b. The field ‘call_skype’ could also be set using an Ajax-Event when entering a new number in the field ‘phone_number’:

Ajax Event (phone_number_onChange):


Telefonanruf aus Scriptcase Anwendung


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